Nothing beats a home-cooked meal… Well, there are times when I don’t feel like cooking. Whether I’m busy with something or just bored of cooking.
Nevertheless, I have to admit that I’m so grateful to my mum who taught me how to cook. I’m cooking since I was twelve years old. It’s a bit scary what is legal to put into foods these days.
Sometimes I’m shocked when I read the labels. So when it comes down to feeding your body with whole, natural, nutritious foods, nothing beats preparing your food from scratch.
When you make your meals, you can control what goes into your body. You know what you are putting in, and where the food came from.
Not to mention it’s a good way to keep track of calories and spend some quality time with your family.
I grew up watching my mother and grandmother bake and cook meals every day. Now I’m teaching my son. He already knows how to make pancakes, scrambled eggs, and pasta.
We mainly eat home-cooked meals made from scratch: stew, all kinds of soup, pasta, and rice.
“Teaching children how to cook is a gift of health they will use for their entire lives and pass it on to their children and grandchildren.”
Do you cook at home or do you mostly eat out?