Remaining firm about your weight loss goals is one of the key ingredients to keep going when you face setbacks.
However, to achieve those goals, you must be willing to adapt to certain changes along the way and probably make small sacrifices.
That means you must remain flexible and open to various methods.
If you notice that the scale won’t budge, it’s probably time to change your workout routine.
Doing the same exercises day after day can be very convenient, but at some point, you will notice that you are not improving, so you need to make some changes to shake things up.
You see, your body adapts to the same movements very quickly. A workout that at first seemed difficult will soon become easy.
If you want to avoid this, you need to constantly challenge your body whether by increasing the reps and intensity level, trying different activities, or changing exercises.
It’s important to keep your body guessing for maximum results.
Success is awesome

Believe in yourself and you’ll be surprised to see what you can accomplish.
Whenever you feel a lack of motivation just remember all the reasons you want to lose weight and get fit.
Breath through the hard part

When the going gets tough “remember the end. That post-workout high? Yeah, almost there.
The struggle of that final set won’t last—and when the workout’s over, it’ll be replaced by a much better feeling: pride.”
Small wins add up

Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A: One bite at a time!
“Small wins are controllable opportunities that produce visible results.” – Practical Analyst
It’s all about small changes

Weight loss is all about adding small changes to your daily routine. Research shows that taking baby steps is the best way to get lasting results.
Ditch the all-or-nothing approach that more often than not fails because it’s too overwhelming and hard to follow.
To achieve lasting weight loss results you have to change the habits that caused you to gain weight in the first place.
To quadruple your weight loss try to make one change to your routine per week.
Remember, weight loss and adopting healthy habits is a process and a journey that takes time.
Set a goal

“Setting up short-term weight loss goals for yourself will make it easier to stay on the right track.
They will keep you motivated and they will remind you of just how far you’ve come on your journey.”
What’s your weight loss goal for the upcoming week? 🙂
Don’t compare your progress with others

Have a happy and blessed day.
Sometimes is hard to find the motivation to exercise

“If you only work when you feel motivated, then you’ll never be consistent enough to become a pro. But if you build small routines and patterns that help you overcome the daily battles, then you’ll continue the slow march towards greatness even when it gets tough.”
Not motivated enough? Here are some more fitness motivational quotes.