You’ll Never Regret Doing the Right Thing

You'll Never Regret Doing the Right Thing

“You’ll never regret the things you do; only the things you don’t.”

Something that always gets me off the couch is “You’ll never regret a workout!”

You will regret ordering that double cheeseburger with fries instead of chicken breast with avocado salad and whole wheat toast but you will NEVER regret HEALTHY CHOICES and HARD WORK!

The regret will not be what you did not eat, but what you did eat. The truth is, no matter how strong the temptation, you ARE stronger!

You are the one who is in charge! Remember, you’ll never regret doing the right thing!

Wishing everyone a day without regrets! Be strong, and stay healthy! 🙂

Anita Krie

My fitness journey has been a story of constant evolution and discovery. I'm here to share insights and to keep you motivated. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, let's embrace the joy of fitness together and make every workout an opportunity to grow stronger and more confident.

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