Take some time today and give thanks for your health.
Don’t think about whether you’re too large, too thin, or too weak instead just be thankful for your healthy body and the ability to workout hard, and to be able to move and walk.
“If we can be grateful for our body in its current form – and accept it as it is today – then I think our transformation comes from a place of true power.”
If you are grateful for your body, then you are more likely to nourish it with healthy foods and actions.
Keeping your body sharp and in shape means it will serve you well for years.
Good health simply means better and longer life. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Be kind to your body

Taking care of your body is as equally important as taking care of your mind.
Rather than looking at healthy eating habits and exercise as something dreadful, recondition your brain to think it’s something you enjoy and that is pleasurable.
Feel good about taking care of your body and you will have successful results! Also, consider the way you self-talk yourself.
If you repeatedly tell and think to yourself that you are fat, unattractive, dread working out, and are unsuccessful in accomplishing your weight loss goals… you are setting yourself up to fail.
Remember – what we think about, we bring about. – Geanie Asante, Independent Beachbody coach
Believe in yourself

At the start of the new week let’s remind ourselves that our body is like a temple. Give it the daily attention it needs.
Continue to honor your body with regular exercise and nourish it with healthy nutrition.
For mental health try meditation. It relieves stress and helps you cope with daily problems. Share your feelings.
Talking to a friend about challenges and setbacks that you face in life can help you organize your thoughts and get support.
Think positive and don’t forget to smile, to love, and to be happy!
Be nice to your body. Listen to your body’s needs, and treat them with dignity and love.
We all agree that losing weight, staying healthy and fit is pretty hard work….but the results are worth it!
Love your whole body

The body is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. Listen to it and don’t ignore your body messages.
Fuel it with healthy food, exercise, and love.
Don’t wait until you become fit, or get a flat belly, or when you reduce your fat percentage to start loving yourself. Do it now.
Because you deserve to feel wonderful and good about yourself all of the time.
Feel good about yourself

Feel good about yourself while striving to be healthy. Smart lifestyle choices matter more than the numbers on the scale.
Remember that it’s possible to love the skin you’re in and still strive to be healthier.
– One way to do that is to focus on changing your not-so-great habits, such as drinking soda regularly, and adding healthier behaviors, such as daily walks, rather than making sweeping proclamations like, “I need to lose 30 pounds.”
Being realistic about how much you will lose counts, too.
– Another smart step in achieving a healthy weight is to take a look at your motivations for wanting to shed pounds.
When you are [dieting or exercising] out of emotions like desperation and self-hatred, you glom onto extreme measures and it’s harder for you to come up with a rational step-by-step plan that includes appropriate self-reward and sensible goals.
Perhaps the best way to think about healthy weight loss is to recognize that it’s not just about achieving a certain number on the scale.
It’s about accepting your natural shape (rather than striving for a skinny look that only a few are truly built for), and giving yourself the compassion, time, and support you need to find your healthy, happy shape—whatever that turns out to be.
Source: YouBeauty.com
Change your attitude about your body now!

Don’t wait until you lose weight to change your attitude about your body shape.
Love your body through thick and thin and at any size. Accept your weight, but take steps to change it if you’re not.
Replace junk food with healthy nutritious meals, drink water, exercise…
Even if you don’t see immediate results, you’ll feel good that you’re doing something.
A healthy positive body image is important for children too
“You don’t have to be satisfied with your current weight or figure, but the first step to getting the body you want is to love the body you have.
Love yourself and be grateful for all that your body has done for you in your lifetime.
If you can start with self-acceptance, you are well on your way to making the sustainable changes you desire – and one step closer to a healthy, strong, and sexy body.”
As a parent, I try not to say anything negative about my body because I have a child who is listening.
Although I have a son I’ve heard him saying: I have a big butt, I want slimmer thighs, I wish my hair was different, etc.
A healthy positive body image is so important for children. And in this day and age not only for young girls but for boys as well. So leading by example is the way to go!
If you have negative feelings about your body try to overcome them. Except it no matter what shape or size it comes in.
This doesn’t mean you will love your body every minute of every day.
It means you will focus on how strong and healthy your body is and the things it can do. By doing this you will start to make positive changes.
“As you see your body transforming, your self-esteem will increase giving you even more motivation and confidence to keep working towards your goals.
Any goal is attainable if you have a plan to get there.”
To get the body you want you must first love the body you have. Let this thought carry you through this week.
Happy Monday!
Source: How to Get the Body You Want, Karen Morse