You are what you eat

Think Before You Eat

Danea Horn: “Think long term. How is the pizza going to make you feel in an hour vs. the salad? The same goes for sleeping …


Let’s Workout Together

Karen Ficarelli: “Family and friends may not always support your healthy lifestyle. Your time for exercise and effort for eating healthy can threaten people in …


Go Workout Mom

“Fitness moms: powering through workouts with the same strength they use to power through parenthood.” “A fitness mom is a marvel – she lifts more …


You Earn Your Body

Are you familiar with the saying if a great body came in a bottle everyone would have one?  The truth is, if you want a …


I Love Fitness

Fitness is my release from the stress of work and everyday life. Nothing clears my head like working out. If I am moody, sad, or …
