Personally my favorite part of working out is lifting. I became so much stronger since I started to lift weights, not to mention I love the way my body is toning up.
I do like the look and the feeling of the strengthened and defined muscles on my butt, belly, arms, and legs!
However, I believe that the best workout should contain a cardio aspect and a toning aspect, as this will allow you to see the results faster.
Cardio burns calories, helps you lose or maintain weight, helps relieve muscle soreness, and is good for your lungs and your heart while strength training tones your muscles, increases your metabolism, and increases your muscle mass.
My experience tells me that it’s not weight VS cardio it’s weighted WITH cardio.
And remember, you can’t get bulky “unless you’re supplementing your diet with massive amounts of testosterone or creatine, the female body simply cannot put on as much muscle as a man.
In fact, if you lift weights regularly, you’ll not only trim your waistline and tone up, but you can actually ADD curves to your buttocks and chest by adding more muscle fiber to those areas, says Lindsay Priester, certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor.