These are a few of my favorite responses on Facebook to this photo that I found:
Tracey Zachmann: “I think the point is that it is possible. Everything worth anything is hard work. It’s not about finding the time. It’s about making time.
If an accomplishment like that is a priority, it can be done. You can make time, or you can make excuses. The choice is yours. That is all that is being portrayed here.”
Jeff Kaplan: “Yes it is possible. Everyone has a job and a family. It’s all about where your priorities exist.
It’s not about having the time to work out, it’s the discipline of the diet and staying motivated to work out and lead a healthy lifestyle.”
Kaiya Price-Dennis: “Exactly Jeff. I decided I had to take care of myself if I wanted to be around for my kids at 70. The most important job about being a mother is taking care of myself. I “show” my kids how to be, not “tell” them. If I’m unhealthy, I can’t expect them to be healthy. I got myself together for me, and it became the power of three….me and my kids.”
Stephanie Terry: “For all of you saying that this just isn’t realistic and that you have other priorities…well you are right. You can’t accomplish anything that you don’t believe you can. I however don’t set limits for myself. I set goals. Try it and you will surprise yourself with what you really CAN accomplish. Make what doesn’t seem real…a reality!”
Cindy Tolle Jaynes: “I have been taking care of a family for the last 20 years and wouldn’t have been able to do it without putting my health as a priority. Children mimic what they see not what they hear. If you do not prioritize good health you won’t be around when they need you most. Don’t they deserve you at your best? I don’t look like him, but I am healthy and my kids have told me that they are glad that I have the energy to do things with them. Healthy parents = healthy family…for the long haul.”