When it comes to getting a musty smell out of a duffle bag, there are many different ideas that you could try and the results may vary depending on what you are dealing with. So, how to get a musty smell out of a duffle bag?
Baking soda is an excellent option for getting musty smells out of your duffle bag. Baking soda is an odor neutralizer and will help eliminate any odors that have accumulated in the bag. It also works on other fabric types and can be used to clean upholstery and carpets in your home.
Naturally, you want to eliminate a bad smell in your bag as soon as possible, right? You don’t have to ask twice, I can help you with that! Follow the advice and tips below and learn how to get a musty smell out of a duffle bag.
How to get a musty smell out of a duffle bag?

Duffle bags are one of the most used bags by people. They can be used for traveling and for many other purposes.
But if you have a musty smell in your duffle bag, it is not good.
Here is how to get the musty smell out of a duffle bag easily and quickly:
Time needed: 30 minutes
STEP 1: Add baking soda to your bag
The first step how to get the musty smell out of a duffle bag is to add baking soda to your bag.
Baking soda is an excellent odor absorber and a natural deodorizer. So, it will help you get rid of the musty smell on your duffle bag.
STEP 2: Pour 1/2 cup of vinegar
Pour 1/2 cup of white vinegar into the bag and let it sit for 15 minutes.
Vinegar will help remove any mold or mildew that has grown on the fabric or leather of your duffle bag.
After 15 minutes have passed, vacuum up all of the vinegar with a vacuum cleaner and then let your duffle bag air dry completely before using it again.
STEP 3: Rub the mixture all over the bag
Rub the mixture all over the bag, including inside its pockets and zippers (if there are any). Use enough to cover every inch of the bag’s surface area with an even layer of paste.
STEP 4: Leave it overnight
Leave the baking soda in place overnight so that it has time to absorb whatever odors remain in your duffle bag after being wiped down with odor remover
STEP 5: Vacuum or wipe it with a dry mop
The last step is to vacuum it or wipe it with a dry mop. This will help in removing the dirt and dust particles from inside your duffle bag.
When you do this, make sure that you use a vacuum cleaner that has good suction power so that all the dust and debris get sucked out properly.
Alternative ways to clean smelly gym bag
Gym bags are the best way to transport your sweaty gym clothes and shoes.
But what happens when your bag starts to smell? Here are 5 alternative ways to clean your smelly gym bag:
1. Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds work great in getting rid of the smell in your gym bag. Just throw a handful of coffee grounds into the bag, zip it up, and leave it overnight.
The next day, take out the coffee grounds and wipe down the inside and outside of the bag with a damp cloth or sponge.
You will be amazed at how fresh your bag now smells!
2. Kitty litter
Kitty litter has been used for years as an odor absorber because it contains absorbent granules that help eliminate odors from cats’ litter boxes without having to replace them as often as other types of absorbents do.
This same principle applies when using kitty litter as an odor absorber in your smelly gym bag!
3. Deo spray
Spray a small amount of deodorant into the bag and let it sit for a few hours before rinsing out the contents.
This will kill any bacteria that may be causing the smell and leave behind a fresh scent.
4. Vinegar solution
You can simply fill up a spray bottle with vinegar and spray it on your backpack whenever it gets dirty or starts smelling bad. The best vinegar for cleaning is white vinegar.
It will help in getting rid of all kinds of odors instantly and will also leave behind a fresh scent that lasts for several days at least so that your bag always smells nice even when not being used!
5. Air it out
If your gym bag has gotten really smelly over time, try letting it air out outside for an hour or two before putting any clothes back inside.
The fresh air will help to remove odors from deep inside the fabric fibers without having to wash anything first (which can cause more damage than good).
How to keep a gym bag smelling fresh?

A gym is a place that can get very stinky, especially if you keep your gym bag in the car or at home.
You don’t want to be embarrassed by the smell of your bag when you’re at the gym.
So, how to keep your gym bag smelling fresh? Try these tips:
1. Dry your bag
Make sure you dry your bag after every use! You can hang it up outside or just leave it on top of a heater vent for a couple of hours after a workout, but make sure it’s completely dry before putting anything else inside it again.
If you’re worried about mildew or mold forming, try using a dehumidifier in your home when the weather is humid.
2. Take your sweaty equipment out of the bag
You know what I’m talking about – the gross, smelly stuff that comes from your shoes and other items that have been on your feet during a workout.
When you bring those things home with you, they get all over the inside of your bag, and that’s when the smell starts.
3. Put some sneaker balls in
Sneaker balls absorb smells and moisture and keep everything smelling fresh.
Just put them in an airtight container or bag, add a few drops of essential oil (like peppermint or lemon), and then stick them in your gym bag.
4. Wipe it with disinfectant wipes
Disinfectant wipes are perfect for getting rid of any germs that might be lurking in your bag, whether they’re on the inside or outside.
Just make sure not to use too much, or else your bag will end up smelling more like disinfectant than anything else!
5. Leave tea bags overnight
This may sound crazy, but it actually works! The tannic acid in tea helps break down odors in the air by binding with the molecules that create them.
Simply leave a bag of black or green tea inside your bag overnight and then throw it away in the morning.
The same goes for coffee grounds – just leave them inside your bag instead of tossing them out.
6. Put some newspapers in your bag
Newspapers are great at absorbing moisture, which is why they’re used as blotters in photography studios to soak up the excess liquid from photos being developed.
This is an old trick that still works great! Just roll up several newspapers into balls and put them into your bag before putting them away for storage or travel.
7. Remove any food residues
It’s easy to forget to take out your lunch or dinner from your gym bag, but the smell can be pretty gross.
Try to remember to take it out and then wash the bag so that it doesn’t attract mold and other bacteria.
Also, you should not be bringing food into the gym because it will attract rodents and bugs. If you do have food in your bag, remove it immediately and throw it away.
As you have seen, the main reason behind the musty smell in your duffle bag is that they are not completely dried out. That is why you don’t keep them in a clean environment.
I hope that you find this article helpful and that the smell goes away after using these tips.
Of course, if you have some tips and tricks about how to get a musty smell out of a duffle bag, feel free to share them in the comment section.